LE/EE raids week 20

As per my new routine, I posted for Shroud at 9 pm (3pm EST) on reaper 1 skull difficulty. At first there was really no interest at all, and I was considering cancelling raid night. It did take a long time to fill, over an hour, but eventually we had a full party and were ready to start. With the trees missing in the party, the lag was pretty much non existent, but I felt my party wasn’t quite ready for reaper. In our first attempt the portal keepers started spawning already at the second or third portal and everything turned messy. We did decide to give it a second try.

Second try was a bit better, we were a bit more organized, but at some point we ended up getting split up when chasing keepers, people dying, multiple keepers alive, and it was a failure again. I gave up on reaper. I suggested we run LE instead, but while we were waiting to refill the party after some people left someone suggested hard instead, so we ended up going in on LH.

In the LH run, part 1 was pretty much flawless, part two we had to prep the reds twice as we failed to split them fast enough the first time. In part 3 I went in to help with the 5×5 in south east, and ended up dying twice from the rainbow, the second time I barely got up before the rainbow was there again. I have been trying to figure out how and when the rainbows spawn, or more like how to keep them away for as long as possible, but it isn’t quite clear to me. This time we got 2 rainbows pretty quickly, even though we were finishing the puzzles as fast as in any LE run. In part 4 we managed to take Harry down just as the blades came in, and part 5 was quite standard, a few deaths and so, but nothing too exciting. We finished in 61 minutes.


After Shroud I posted for TS 2 skulls. After the one run I did on 3 skulls, I feel that 2 skulls is just the right level of difficult to not make the end fight long and boring. I felt the raid went really smooth this time. I believe I died in fire & ice, but this time next to the shrine as we got over run by trash when we were trying to shrine. Looking at the quest report I even got a few kills this time. I got nada in the form of loot though.

I was feeling very tired, but a few in my party wanted to try more reaper raids so we decided to do fire on thunder peak. To me fire on thunder peak has gotten really easy since legendary was introduced, but in my tired and unfocused state I neglected the fact that reaper is still EE with penalties, and EE still means you can’t just throw a bunch of people into it and hope for the best, but you need to have a plan. I sort of had a plan, but my plan included the party knowing what to do, and I really didn’t do a good leader role in this raid. Another healer might have been good to have as well. We attempted 2 skulls, but it turned out to be way over our heads.

After the failed fotp attempt I was pretty much beat, so decided to call it for the night.

That’s all for the raids this time.
Ty for stopping by.

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