Raids week 40

I posted for R2 LTS a few minutes after 9 pm my time (3 pm EST) last Saturday. Haleyh joined as my first party member, and we had intelligence, Jedli as 5th and we had str. A few minutes later we were ready to start. This was my first TS since Thaz’s eTR and me changing her bracers to a pair of crafted ones. This was also the first time in a long while that I died running to the front door. Normally I fireshield and then heal 0-1 time during the run. This time I took 3-4 fireballs to the face and dropped… and got rescued. In fire & ice I died again, I ran to fire and had to get rescued, fire ran off and I think ice needed to die twice. After fire died, I rushed back to the room with the rune to make sure it had opened. The rest of the raid went pretty well. I had most of the party stay in the safe spot during the end fight and and Sorjek didn’t reset. We finished in 26 minutes.

Then I posted for RSO hard again. We waited to fill, there was a good amount of interest so the wait wasn’t that long. But as we got going and several died already at the first fight (the giant skellies and the king), I didn’t really have high hopes for a completion. Somehow we managed to complete the first dragon fight and off to the side area we went. I felt scared since I knew it was going to be difficult, and so it was. Several party members seemed like they had no absorb and very little self healing. The puzzling went well, but there was a lot of deaths. We manage to finish the side area anyway, shrine and head to the end fight. The end fight was hard with a lot of deaths. We get the dragon down to about 50% when it’s a wipe. A few of us have a jibber’s blade, but after several attempts to get the party up, the dragon is almost at full again, and when we give it a final go, we don’t last long.

Some of the party members want to try a normal run instead, so I post for one. This time it feels like it’s taking a long time to fill, so I decide to switch to Maidae and do a short man run. While waiting for joiners I also practice the puzzles a few times, and someone wanted to step in on R10 to check the king’s hp, which was only 1.6 mil on R10. 🙂 At around 1 in the morning for me (8 pm EST), we get going. Normal is a lot easier than hard, and we get the tasks done with a lot less deaths. I don’t die, and we finish the raid in 48 min.


I spend some time just talking while trying to figure out if I want to do more or not. 2 raids felt way little, so I asked Niv if there was something he wanted to run. He suggested Defiler, so I posted.  I waited maybe 30 min before I decided that we could short man. We 8 manned most of it, but generally it was an easy hard run. I usually don’t post for elite due to how laggy the elite runs have been. We finished in 21 minutes and at least two named items dropped.

That’s all for the raids for this time.
Thank you for stopping by and happy raiding.

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