Made a twitter account

🙂 Since at least some ddo players use twitter, I just registered a new account for ddo related stuff. I’m currently being a bit lazy, so please give me some suggestions to who or what I should follow? Thank you.

My new id is @DDOMicki

Tc and see you around.

P.S. I still need to do something about the profile, but it’s a start.


  1. I’m following you 🙂 @grimorde

    I’d also suggest @DDOCast, @JerrySnook & @TurbineTolero. You can also search for #DDO to find people who are talking about DDO.

    For other players – @geoffhanna, @krissonofpark & @MariMcMillan are definitely recommended!

  2. Welcome to the Twitter Club Micki!
    I’m not an avid MyDDO user (allthough i do read the blogs often) but i’m surely spamming the twitterfeed 😉

    I think Grim gave you some good suggestions to start off (thnx Grim for mentioning me XD), another tip that i used is check the tweeps we are following and you’ll get a good timeline to start off with.

    ps, check the timeline as often as you can, sometimes we’re tweeting about you aswell 😉

  3. Think your missing the best twitters of all time.


    And hashtag #DDoCth and #DDoCthqa

  4. Well, I am on there as @Shindurza, but I haven’t tweeted anything in ages. I am now following you and everybody else that has posted their name here, and maybe I might just tweet something myself someday 🙂

  5. No, thank you. I will NOT be getting Twitter.

    “I do not have the need to be ‘plugged-in’ and have every moment of my life exposed for all to see. I feel that my life is pretty much a bore, and I have consciously decided not to inflict that boredom onto others.”

  6. Me and me and maybe those other people who’ve posted comments already, although maybe not the people who I already follow who’ve posted comments, because their rubbish.
    The other people who I’m yet to follow are probable better.

  7. I’m following you as @BonnieBew on Twitter, but I am very sporadic using it. I am too wordy to contain myself to 140 character easily.

  8. I have refused to get a Twitter account – so far (FB is bad enough). But good for you…I guess.

  9. Thanks guys 🙂 following all all of you and your suggestions.

    @PrdPolack 🙂 Well, I made this twitter specifically for ddo stuff, so I will not be posting anything more there than I post here. And yes, my myddo blog is public and findable in google search.

    @Comic @Mar 🙂 I guess this is sort of due to Kris being an active tweeter. He’s more than once told me “well, if you were following me on twitter you would know…” so, I decided that ok, let’s make a twitter account for ddo stuff.

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